Teach at Fortify

Do you teach yoga, hoop, poi, belly-dancing, meditation, or modern dance? – well, anything that can be taught on a shoe-free, shock absorbing, floor? Use of space at Fortify is offered on a donation basis. So you can come in and teach a class or two just to see if you connect well with the space and community.

Wondering if your skills would be a good fit? We look for two things in a guest instructor: We want to understand how your study edifies the mind, body, and spirit of practitioners. Fortify does maintain a focus on enhancing human will, lucidity of mind, balanced confidence, and strength through form. Secondly, we would like to know that your background in that field adequately qualifies you to guide even practitioners with some familiarity and experience.

Give us a call; lets talk – (720) 336-8665.

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